Forty (nautical) miles from Tampico, we heard the air traffic controllers telling the weather to another pilot. He said there were crosswinds at 20 knots. I happen to know, and Ricardo can’t deny because it is stamped on his cockpit control board, that his plane has a maximum allowable landing/taking off crosswind of exactly 20 knots. Gulp. No report of gusting, but I was still uneasy.
So Ricardo announces – presumably to make me feel better, but OMG – that we will LAND ON ONE WHEEL!
WHAT?! Yep, he said we had to land on one wheel (sort of canted sideways, if you will) to deal with the crosswinds. At first I was freaked out, and then I was super excited.
I took great comfort in knowing that Ricardo’s home airport in Houston (Weiser) is a crappy little landing strip with permanent crosswinds. In fact, on our maiden flight together in 2008, we were blown right off of that runway and heading for the trees at 50 knots when the plane lifted off amid his attempt to abort the takeoff. I know he has been taking off and landing this plane in crosswinds at least twice a week for ten years.
I felt safe (enough) and was ready to rumble!!
By the time we got to Tampico, though, the winds had calmed somewhat and changed direction.
We had to land on two wheels, darnit.