Yes, ultimate-intermediate. The Ultimate-Ultimate destination is Lake Atitlan in Guatemala, where we will spend a week at Ricardo's cabin. We have a few intermediate destinations, both coming and going. Our current intermediate destination is San Cristobal de las Casas. But we have to stop a couple of times to refuel and whatnot before we get to our ultimate-intermediate destination. Tampico is thus a necessary evil (is that too harsh?). Anyway, I think I've got that all sorted out for you.
So, anyway, we are just here by necessity. Just need a clean-ish place to lay our heads before moving on. I already shared with you the doorknob debacle.
But that was preceded by having our choice of rooms: the 20 feet from the 4-lane highway room jutting off the front of the hotel like a buck tooth pointed out onto the road OR the stinky room that seemed to be polluted with some vaguely familiar but finally unrecognizable minor stench.
We opted for the stinky room. And it turned out just fine, really, because after we showered, we ourselves were stinky. Yes, we and the room become infused with a sulphureous smell once the shower created a mist about the place. At least it was an odor we could recognize and make peace with.
Note: we nearly paid more for our breakfast this morning than we paid for this hotel room. Our priorities seem to be in the right place.
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