Tuesday, May 18, 2010


consent among my Eagle Pass colleagues, the deponent, the deponent's attorney, the court reporter, and the interpreter: I am crazy for going on this trip. Opposing counsel did indicate it might be good for his case, though, for me to take a vacation in Mexico from which I may not return (harsh!).

They all swapped Mexico horror stories during breaks from the deposition. My spanish is rusty and I was trying not to hear, but I got the gist of most of the conversation. I won't repeat it here because I have enough friends who don't approve of this trip without inflaming sentiments further.

I was relieved to see at the State Department's website that that the current danger hotspots are nowhere near where we plan to go in Mexico. Our first stop tomorrow (YES, leaving tomorrow!!) just to refuel and grab lunch, will be in Tampico on the southern tip of Tamaulipas state.

Some of you may remember the EPIC case of food poisoning that struck me after a somewhat mediocre ceviche in Tampico in 2008. I hesitate even to apply the term 'food poisoning' to the ordeal because that implies it was a manageable event.

In fact, I was confined consecutively to the floors of TWO Veracruz hotel rooms for the better part of a week (having been removed from the first room after polluting it to such a degree that an evacuation was indicated).

I love ceviche.
Tampico is known for its seafood.
It's a new year.
Dare I?

1 comment:

  1. I think Ceviche poses a bigger risk to you than the Zetas.
